Hair, Hair, Everywhere

Bella Breakdown

It feels like we have hair everywhere. Faces, armpits, legs, arms, upper lips at inconvenient times. We are obsessed with trimming it, shaving it, lasering it, styling it, hiding it, growing it. I, on many occasions, have cursed the Gods, asking them “why do I have so much hair!”.

Well hair is actually a vital human necessity. The hair on our heads is to protect us from the sun, and also to keep us warm. Heat actually escapes from your head, which is why babies, who typically don’t have a lot of hair have to wear hats. Eyebrows protect our eyes from sweat, and act as a facial cue to denote emotional expression. Our eyelashes protect our eyes from any environmental particles, and are extremely sensitive, and can keep us away from potential danger. This is why you flinch when something comes near your eye.

Body hair is oddly enough, a way to attract a mate. Body hair, specifically pubic hair, is a sign that you have sexually matured. A lot of people think body hair is unsightly, but it’s really just a sign that you’re a full on grown-up. Thanks society, for making me think I have to wax off all of my pubes.

Author: Anastasia Smith

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