Here’s How To Make Your Beauty Products Last Longer

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Bella Breakdown

For some women and men, wearing makeup is a big part of their daily routine. But what happens on those days when you realize you are all out a beauty product? Before running to the store to buy a new tube of mascara or powder try these hacks for making your beauty products last longer.

Once your mascara is dried out it may seem like the end of the world. However, it doesn’t have to be when you bring the item back to life with a bit of moisture. All you have to do is add a few drops of saline solution to the tube when you notice the mascara is getting a bit dry. The saline is safe for your eyes and you can use your mascara two or three times longer than usual.

Powders are expensive, so when it shatters into small pieces it’s devastating. Don’t freak out because the solution to this one big problem is to crush up the remaining powder pieces. The, add rubbing alcohol to the compact and mix it into the powder. Smooth the mixture and let it dry and it’s good as new.

Warm weather is here so it’s time to get those razors ready to get shed yourself of that winter leg fur. If you so happen to leave your razor out and it begins to rust or dull don’t throw it away, just soak it. After shaving, shake off the excess water and then soak it in a small bowl of baby oil until you’re ready to use it again. The oil will keep the razor fresh and sharp, plus it will prevent it from getting dull and/or rusting.

Author: Brittany Jones

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