Finding Fun in Parenting for You & Your Spouse

Yes, Parenthood Can Be Fun & We’ll Show You How!

A typical morning for me begins at 6:30 am with trying to tiptoe as quietly to the bathroom as possible to get a peaceful 15 minutes to myself to take a shower before the demands of the day begin. By demands, I mean loud cries from my 3 children for breakfast, a clean diaper, finding a toy, etc. 

Once they awake, these demands keep coming all day long, until I fall into bed, exhausted in the evening. Would I change any of this? Not for anything! However, I find that sometimes the chaos of life sometimes begins to feel tedious for my husband and me. We have to remind ourselves to not take everything too seriously and to remember the fun things in life- big and small.

While parenthood may not alway be a barrel of laughs there are still plenty of good times and fun adventures to be had, we promise!!

While parenthood may not alway be a barrel of laughs there are still plenty of good times and fun adventures to be had, we promise!!

One thing we try to do is to plan regular date nights (see my blog on great date night ideas), as well as just trying to check in with each other a few times a week.  When you are “in the trenches” with your daily routines, it’s easy to lose touch with your spouse. Remember to find fun things to do together and to stay connected.

Take care of yourself. We hear it all the time, but it’s so true.  Getting enough rest, eating well, and exercising are sure fire ways to keep your mood up. Find things that are important to you and bring you joy. Whether it’s an activity or hobby you haven’t done in a while, finding a new exercise class, or even choosing a good book that you can read a chapter of each night, do something just for you.

Stay connected with your friends. Having at least one friend to confide in when things are tough, to have a good laugh with, or to share a glass of wine with is one of the wonderful joys in life. If you’ve been meaning to get back in touch with someone you haven’t connected with in a few weeks or months, go for it! Chances are, her life is equally busy and she will be appreciative that you made the effort to reach out.

Enjoy this time with your kids. We say it all the time, but time really does fly by. One day they will be grown and busy with their own lives (I know, a very depressing thought). So, even though you have a sink full of dishes, a pile of dirty laundry, or any of the other endless tasks to get done, take time to just be with your kids. Spills and messes happen, but the little moments with our beautiful children are true blessings.
Meet The Bella Behind the Blog: Kristen Farley is a mother of three and a domestic goddess. She is a former teacher who enjoys spending lots of time with her kids, healthy eating, volunteering at school, and mommy blogging for the masses.

Be on the lookout for more of Kristen’s expert advice and brillent tips!

Author: Kristen Farley

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