Fun Halloween Crafts to Make with Kids!


Conjure Up a Cool Halloween With These 4 Cute Crafts!

Halloween is right around the corner! I was trying to think of some fun ideas of crafts to make with my 3 children who are all under 7, that wouldn’t require too much skill and didn’t require us to go out and buy lots of expensive supplies. As the kids and I were brainstorming, I couldn’t believe how many great ideas they had. We had a great time making them together and they were so happy to have their creative “works of holiday art” are proudly displayed in our home.

Mom Tested, Kid Approved Halloween Crafts

#1 Tissue Paper Pumpkin:
funhalloweencraftstomakewithkids1 Cut a pumpkin shape out of thick construction paper. Tear pieces of orange and yellow tissue paper. Use a paintbrush to paint the pieces onto the pumpkin with watered Elmer’s Glue. Top with either a paper stem or one made of a green pipe cleaner.

#2 Candy Corn Person:
funhalloweencraftstomakewithkids2 Cut out a basic candy corn shape. Color or paint the yellow or orange sections. Glue on googly eyes or color them. Make arms and legs from yellow and orange construction paper strips and fold them like an accordion to give them texture. I think it’s easier to staple or tape them on, rather than glue.

#3 Jack-O-Lantern with Candy Corn Teeth:
funhalloweencraftstomakewithkids3 Make a paper jack-o-lantern any way you like. Add some character by using some candy corn for teeth (I don’t know about you, but I can’t resist that stuff this time of year!). This one was made by my 4 year old and he did everything all by himself. The next one is a fun craft that I’ve made in my classroom when I was a teacher is!

#4 Spider Pumpkin:
funhalloweencraftstomakewithkids4 Take a small pumpkin and poke 4 holes in each side. Push one black pipe cleaner into each hole to make legs. Glue googly eyes or color eyes on front. This is an activity that is easier for children who are a little older because it’s a bit tricky to push the pipe cleaners into the holes.

There are lots of fun crafts to do and it’s actually easier than you think when you simply provide the supplies and allow your kids to be creative.

Author: Kristen Farley

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