Meatless Meal Options That Kids Will Love!

Bella Breakdown Each night I try and figure out what to make for dinner. Having to feed my 3 kids plus my husband and I is something I have to think about in advance if I am going to put something healthy on the table. I really love cooking (most of the time) and it is important to me to feed my family nutritious and delicious food. While we are not vegetarians, it is always a goal of mine to make at least one meal of the week a meatless one. Nachos: You can find healthier whole grain tortilla chips...

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Great Non-Candy Easter Ideas For Kids

Bella Breakdown Easter has really become all about one thing…candy! For those of us looking for something a tad bit more meaningful, or perhaps healthier options, we have compiled some great options for non-candy Easter ideas for the kiddos. Some of these options still fit inside plastic eggs, too. But, that’s not to say that we won’t indulge with some chocolate come this Sunday… Non-candy easter goodies ideas: 1. Stickers and/or stamps 2. Temporary tattoos 3. Finger puppets 4. Key chains 5. Bouncy balls 6. Dice 7. Bubbles 8. Puzzles 9. Bracelets 10. Lip gloss 11....

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Best Places To Vacation With Kids

Bella Breakdown While it certainly doesn’t feel like it now in some parts of the country, summer is right around the corner. While the days might still be cold and dreary, searching for places to travel this summer might be just the pick me up you need when you are looking out the window. Planning a vacation with kids takes some thought because you want it to be relaxing and enjoyable for everyone. Therefore, finding a great kid – friendly place that also offers the perks of having all of the amenities adults want is definitely a priority when you...

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Breastfeeding Tips From New App “The Breastfeeding Friend”

Bella Breakdown Almost three-quarters of women start breastfeeding when their child is born; however by 6-8 weeks, this drops to just 44%. This makes breastfeeding rates in England among the lowest in the world. A new survey of 1,000 mothers of young children commissioned by Public Health England revealed that in hindsight, mothers wished they had been better prepared for breastfeeding. Before the birth of their first child, mums’ biggest priorities were buying baby equipment (66%), preparing for labour (49%) and buying baby clothes (40%). However, post birth, nearly a quarter (24%) wished they had read about and were...

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Tips For Teaching Kids Financial Literacy

Bella Breakdown It’s important to start teaching children about money and its value at a young age. Bank of Montreal’s Omar Abouzaher says some parents wait too long to teach their kids financial literacy, and that parents can start early by explaining what it means to save, and then build on that foundation. Waiting until the child is older, and then cramming as much information into their brains as possible, is not the route to go. That way, they can learn the simpler ideas about saving and money when they are young and can begin to implement more complicated...

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