What’s Your Color?

Bella Breakdown

You might have noticed how popular colored hair is today. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had major color envy as I scroll through Instagram. I’ve also noticed that the bold eye is coming back. Makeup moguls, Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, and Rihanna all have eyeshadow pallets with extreme, bold colors. Literally all colors of the rainbow!

With these new makeup trends becoming more popular, you can’t help but feel like you might need to keep up. It’s intimidating though, playing with color can be daunting. You really don’t want to look like something out of a bad 80’s film. It’s important to know that you can actually where any color you’d like, it’s just how you where it that matters.

Most colors have different tones to them. For example, if you’re dying your hair black, you might come across a blue-black or a red-black. If you have fairer skin with underlying pink pigments, you might want to go with red-black. If your skin has a cool tone, and is generally darker, your hair would look much better with a blue-black.

Understand the pigmentation of your skin is extremely helpful when deciding on hair and makeup colors. Someone who has pink undertones in their skin will typically look better with warmer colors. Individuals with olive, dark, cool tones to their skin is going to look better in cooler colors.

Now, you don’t always have to stick by these rules. Wearing green as a redhead is going to look striking because green and red are on opposite ends of the color wheel. So, don’t be afraid of the color, just wear it with knowledge and confidence!

Author: Haley DePass

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