3 Tips To Turn Your Breakup Into A Breakthrough

Bella Breakdown

Alright Bellas so you’ve broken up. It’s definitely a sad time, especially if you were with someone for a longer period of time. It may even be harder to get over it when you’re alone and your ex is all you can think about, which sounds like you’re going through a breakdown as well as a break-up huh? Well, how about instead you go through a breakthrough? That’s right Bellas were going to break it down to you with three simple tips in order to breakthrough during your breakup!

Stop Focusing On What’s Next For Your Ex

Don't look at the following profiles of your ex: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, and FourSquare. You don't need to know who they're with and what they're doing every second. Now is the time to focus on yourself!

Don’t look at the following profiles of your ex: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, and FourSquare. You don’t need to know who they’re with and what they’re doing every second. Now is the time to focus on yourself!

When you’ve just broken up the worst thing that you could possibly do is stay worrying about what your ex is doing. Who cares if they start dating first, get married first, or even if he or she has kids first. Your job from now on is to focus on you and what’s next for you. Delete your previous partner off Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, okay you get the picture, delete, delete, delete. Trust me, it works and it will help you to focus on you and only you!

Feel Your Feelings

Breakups hurt and you do too, so be sure you take the time to address your feelings and acknowledge how you're doing emotionally.  Sometimes you may feel the need to talk to someone, whether it be a friend or a professional, to help  get you through these tough times.

Breakups hurt and you do too, so be sure you take the time to address your feelings and acknowledge how you’re doing emotionally. Sometimes you may feel the need to talk to someone, whether it be a friend or a professional, to help get you through these tough times.

I know this isn’t exactly what you want to hear but until you have been through the anger, the grief, and the depression, it isn’t until then you will begin to move on. It’s natural to go through all those emotions and the truth is as long as you cruise through them and don’t get stuck in one phase you will see a big turn around and you will be able to move on in no time!

Stop Complaining

There is a fine line between cathartic conversation and crazed complaining. Be sure not to let your ex consume your every waking thought, or else you'll find yourself talking about them day-in and day-out and that's not very conducive for helping you "move on".

There is a fine line between cathartic conversation and crazed complaining. Be sure not to let your ex consume your every waking thought, or else you’ll find yourself talking about them day-in and day-out and that’s not very conducive for helping you “move on”.

Bella’s we can’t stress this one enough! Don’t go around telling everyone in the world about your happily never after story to anyone and everyone who will listen, stay positive! Your past relationship doesn’t define you. All you have to do is get out there and be you, the right person will come along when it’s time. So forget your ex and start writing your happily ever after!!

Author: Tasha

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