Drinking Lemon Water Does More For Your Body Than Taste Good

(Photo Credit: Claudia Crespo on Unsplash)

Bella Breakdown

It’s no secret that drinking water is good for you. However, if you are someone that needs a little extra something in the flavorless beverage than lemon water is just as good, if not better than a regular glass of water. If you don’t believe us then look below to see all the benefits lemon water has on your body.

Weight Loss:
Research has shown that the polyphenol antioxidants found in lemons significantly reduce weight gain. This may be due to people drinking more of the flavored water and feeling full. This same study also found that those antioxidants offsets the negative effects of blood glucose levels and improves insulin resistance. Which are the main contributors to type 2 diabetes?

The best time to drink a glass of lemon water is in the morning. That’s because the drink can be used as a morning laxative which will help prevent constipation. Try drinking warm or hot lemon water when you wake up to help get your digestive system moving.

Kidney Stones:
Not only is lemon water good for your digestion, but it will also prevent kidney stones. Citrate, a component of citric acid, makes the urine less acidic and could possibly break up small stones.

Author: Brittany Jones

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