It’s Pie Time

Bella Breakdown

Okay you guys, Halloween is over, and before you make the controversial leap into Christmas, there is one very important American holiday you need to remember. Thanksgiving. Turkey Day. Food Day. The day before Black Friday, however you want to look at it, it’s Thanksgiving! Every fourth Thursday of November, we gather around a table with friends, family, and loved ones to give thanks for one another and all of the things we receive in this life. And most importantly, we give thanks to food and then we eat that food until that button up shirt that was already kind of tight, finally pops open.

My personal favorite part of Thanksgiving is the dessert, mainly because it’s usually pie. Now, I’m a cake girl myself, but I allow my pie cravings to build up for the whole year until I can unhinge my jaw and take on a whole pumpkin pie by myself. Of course there isn’t just pumpkin (the staple of Thanksgiving desserts), but of course there is apple, cherry, blueberry, sweet potato, and of course pecan pie. Many of you like to have your pie with some ice cream. I’m akin to warming up some dutch apple and throwing a glob of vanilla bean on there. But don’t write off the breakfast pie with whip cream!

Author: Haley DePass

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