Proposal Rejection Etiquette

Bella Breakdown
We all hear those stories about massive well planned Kim Kardashian-like proposals, where she says “yes” and everything comes up roses.

Well, what about the girls who weren’t ready, who were unsure or just didn’t want to merry the one who asked them, you don’t often hear about what happens after she says “no”.

So, what do you do when you’re in the unfortunate position of rejecting a proposal?

How To Handle Saying “No”
Face it, this will always be an awkward spot to be in but there are some general etiquette rules that can make this tough situation a little more bearable for both of you.

First off, it’s important to realize that while you’re going to hurt the person you’re saying no to, there is no shame in admitting you’re not ready to be a bride if that’s truly how you feel. Remember honesty is always the best policy in this situation, don’t say yes just because you know it’s what your partner wants to hear.

What you do and say after formally rejecting a proposal can be tricky. If you plan on staying together and just holding off on the marriage bit then just keep reminding your significant other that you’re saying no to matrimony not the relationship itself. If you have no intentions of staying together after rejecting the proposal then it’s best to start the separation process early because it’s not going to get an easier the more time you wait.

So, what about the ring? Well if you’re not marrying the person then for gracious sake don’t keep the ring. Saying no to the proposal also means saying no to the hardware that came with it.

If at any point you do think your ready to revisit marriage with the person you said “no” to just remember to tread lightly and be as sure as you can possibly be before taking the next step.

Author: Tasha

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