Punk Rock Inspired Pumpkins

Bella Breakdown
Take your Halloween full-throttle this year with some punk-rock pumpkins… or should we say ‘punk’ins? Maybe we’ll lay off the puns and stick to DIY-ing from now on. Seriously though, these are super fun and easy to make!

All you’ll need for this project is:
Black Craft Paint
Paint Brush
Mixing Tray
Various nails and spikes

What’s so fabulous about this DIY is that is can be done with real or fake pumpkins because there’s no carving involved!

All you need to do is start by painting a face on your pumpkin. Once your satisfied with your spooky face, let it dry and then punk it up.

Lightly draw a star around the eye with a pencil and start putting nails in all along the line you drew.

If you’re using a real pumpkin you might need to use a hammer or mallet for this step. Now you’re all ready have a hard-core halloween!

Author: Kelsey

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