Super Bowl Sporty Ponytail


Bella Breakdown

Sunday is going to be a fun day, full of parties, guacamole, friendly gatherings (and hopefully) celebrations! You want to be ready for an all-day / all-night bonanza, so instead of straightening, or curling hair that will end up with a mess from jumping up and down all day, give this sporty braided look a try!


Start by sectioning off the hair right above the ear all the way around the head, this can be a bit tricky in the back but take your time and use your trusty double-mirrors. Clip the two sections off, then take the top section and begin your braid.

This isn’t a french braid by any means, instead think of it more like you’re going to braid it all the way down then stop once you’re below the nape of the neck and secure with a rubber band. Now release the bottom section from it’s clip and use an elastic to secure with your braid, remove the first rubber band and now you’ve got a perfect sport look!

p.s. We also love this easy spiced up ponytail for working out in the gym and making eyes when the cute guy catches your glance in the mirror. ; )

Author: Amy

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