The Best Books On Marriage For Couples To Enjoy Together

(Photo Source: Leah Flores)

Bella Breakdown

Whether you’re having issues in your relationship or still in the honeymoon phase, it’s a good idea to learn more about having a healthy relationship. There are a couple of relationship books that you can enjoy with your partner while improving your relationship.

It’s Not You, It’s the Dishes by Paula Szuchman and Jenny Anderson
This well-researched interesting read approaches the concept that marriage doesn’t have to be a complicated thing. The authors are journalists that interviewed economists to learn how to leverage limited money, time, and energy into making the best marriage imaginable. This method approaches relationships from a practical level without involving emotions which is ideal for rational-minded people.

The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by John Gottman
This book comes highly recommended by marriage therapists and this book is made for everyone no matter what stage of the relationship is. The author, John Gottman, has spent his career researching what makes a marriage successful and in the book outlines seven essential strategies to promote a thriving relationship.

The book also contains exercises and questionnaires that you can do with your partner, much like a marriage workbook. Critics said this is the author’s best book to date but you can check out his other books including Eight Dates and The Marriage Cure.

The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman
There is a reason this is a top-selling relationship book revealing aspects of a relationship not many people are thinking about. The book goes into detail about the types of love languages for you to better understand. In the book, he refers to “gifts” which many think are more like presents but he refers to giving gifts of intimacy such as being there for your partner in a time of need.

Most relationship books are made for couples to read together but this book is good for one person or a couple. Most relationship books say that both partners need to make a change in the relationship but this book says that one partner changing can make a difference. This book also offers an alternative version for men and is one of the best relationship books for men.

The next time you’re looking for something new to read maybe you can choose a relationship book to read with your partner. Reading any relationship book with your partner is a great way to open up about issues you might have while getting closer to your partner.

Author: Lilly Roberts

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