The Right Way to Slice Acorn Squash

Bella Breakdown
Acorn squash. It’s so cute, innocuous, innocent looking squash we excitedly buy, bring home and then stare at, wondering what we were thinking. After a few minutes we muster up the courage to start hacking at it with our biggest knife only to be rewarded by stringy, orange gooey insides and no instructions on the back of the box of what to do with it.

Acorn Squash + Melted Butter + Salt & Pepper + 375F Oven for 25min = Acorn Squash Perfection!

Acorn Squash + Melted Butter + 375F Oven for 25min = Acorn Squash Perfection!

We pop it in the oven and bake for hours until it finally softens… and it’s horrible! What were we doing wrong? Everything. Be prepared for the holiday season and learn how you should really slice that cute little squash.

Start by removing the top and the bottom of the squash, then set it on the bottom. Slice in half and then scoop out all the seeds and flesh inside. Lay on it’s the newly scooped side and slice into 3/4” half moon pieces. From there you can bake, broil or enjoy a myriad of ways … all far tastier than out ; )

Author: Courtney

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