Your Dog Could Get A Job As A Canine Critic For

(Photo Credit: Instagram @hotelsdotcom)

Bella Breakdown

Your canine companion may finally have more to do with its life besides looking cute and cuddly. According to Metro, is looking for the perfect four-legged critic to review the best pet-friendly hotels across the globe.

Just like you, dogs need vacations as well and according to Graeme Hall, a dog behaviorist, “dogs feel overwhelmed, too — it’s not exclusive to us — and a holiday is a great way to alleviate stress for both dogs and their owners.” That’s where a nice and comfortable stay at a dog hotel would come in handy.

To find the best hotels for dogs, is offering the best canine candidate 10 vouchers for dog-friendly hotels, each worth up to $200 USD for both the dog and their human companion.

Liz Oakman, senior director, and general manager of EMEA, which owns, told Metro, “We love our pets more than we love our other half at times, so it’s no surprise that we’ve seen a huge increase in travelers wanting to take their furry plus one on holiday with them.”

Obviously, dogs can voice their opinions on their stay, but since the hotels aren’t just for dogs humans have to want to return as well. “Our hunt for a Canine Critic is our way of ensuring our pet-friendly hotels really are up to ‘scratch’ with a four-legged expert’s ‘paw of approval’,” said Oakman.

Author: Brittany Jones

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