Keep Your Love Alive With These Helpful Tips

Bella Breakdown Getting your happily ever after in love is something that everyone dreams of. Sadly, some couples seem to just fall out of love and decide to either divorce or breakup. However, for other couples keeping that passion is easy and have ways that they use to keep that love alive and strong. Exchange “love vows:” Figuring out what your partner wants more of and commit to doing it is a good way to keep that passion going. As long as the requests are something you’re comfortable with, try things like one of you promising the other 20...

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Four ‘Financial Vows’ To Make With Your Partner

Bella Breakdown Even the most perfect couple knows that financial issues can cause a big strain on the relationship. However, instead of letting money problems get in the way here are vows every couple should make to each other that will not only strengthen your bond but make you smarter with money. We will make saving and planning for our retirement a shared priority: Though retirement is an individual saving, it’s still important to discuss your plan with your significant other. Planning those saving goals and deciding who will be responsible based on retirement accounts will take a load...

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Why People Stay In Bad Relationships

Bella Breakdown You might know someone who is in a terrible relationship, or you yourself could be in a bad relationship and struggling to get out. We are a culture who idealizes love, so why do we stick around if we know that love is, frankly, terrible? Well, the answer might lie within your partner. Studies have shown that people tend to stay in relationships 2 months to 10 weeks longer than when the actual thought to break up occurs. This is specifically true when the person who wants to do the breaking up feels that their partner is...

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Romantic DIY Mini Dates

Bella Breakdown Before we had children, my husband and I used to have weekly date nights. However, once we had kids, we were so tired and money became a priority to go toward “kid stuff” (and did I mention that we were so tired), that those times became few and far between. However, since our three kids are a little older and everyone sleeps through the night, we are always trying to find ways to get out and do something together without too much effort and without breaking the bank. Finding a reliable sitter is the first thing you...

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Are You Having A Technological Affair?

Bella Breakdown In a recent survey, 1 in 5 people blame Facebook for the demise of their relationship. Do you feel like you’ve been crossing the virtual line? Here, three signs you’re having a technological affair from Sex & Relationships Expert Andrea Syrtash. Signs of A Techno Trist 1. Shearing Secrets If you are telling your virtual crush more than you tell your partner you could land yourself in a sticky situation. 2. Covering Your Tracks If you are hiding and deleting the messages and texts from your virtual crush then this is a big sign that you’re doing...

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