Four ‘Financial Vows’ To Make With Your Partner

Bella Breakdown

Even the most perfect couple knows that financial issues can cause a big strain on the relationship. However, instead of letting money problems get in the way here are vows every couple should make to each other that will not only strengthen your bond but make you smarter with money.

We will make saving and planning for our retirement a shared priority:
Though retirement is an individual saving, it’s still important to discuss your plan with your significant other. Planning those saving goals and deciding who will be responsible based on retirement accounts will take a load of stress out of the relationship.

We will keep no secrets about money:
Be open with each other’s spending habits, credit scores and any debt being brought into the relationship. If you’re still in student loan debt or filed for bankruptcy in the past tell your partner. Being able to understand each other’s financial position and money habits will help you both plan better.

We will protect our family financially:
Set aside money for those emergencies you never see coming. Three to six months of expenses should go into an emergency fund. Prenuptial agreements aren’t just for the rich, but also for someone who owns a business or has significant assets that they want to protect.

Author: Brittany Jones

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