Travel The World Through Photos Of Astonishing Gardens

Bella Breakdown There are so many forms of tourism catered to certain interests or activities that can be provided in certain locations, one of the less known tourism interest is garden tourism. We give you a guided tour of astonishing gardens from around the world. Monet’s Garden – Giverny, France This garden is known for inspiring Monet’s series of water lily and garden painting, it’s stunning on canvas and in-person. Atlanta Botanical Garden – Atlanta, Georgia This botanical garden features 30 acres of amazing flowers and plants with topiary sculptures of everything you could imagine that is close to...

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How To Hydrate After Travel

Bella Breakdown Do you suffer from jet lag? When being on a plane for hours, your skin will probably feel super dry and grimy since your body has lost a ton of water up in the sky! The best thing you can do right when you get off a plane is to hydrate. You might be tempted for something like a glass of wine after stressful flights, but you should definitely drink water over everything else! Have a cute water bottle like a Swell bottle can remind you to hydrate. Drinking a ton of herbal tea or a supplement...

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Little Mix Makes Sure To Always Compliment Each Other

Bella Breakdown The age of social media is wonderful. Social media can connect friends and loved ones from the other side of the world and make it easier than ever to stay active in their lives. But with your lives and actions open and available to all, sometimes the pressure to look, feel, and be a certain way can become overwhelming. Little Mix is a British pop group that was first discovered by the British version of The X Factor in 2011. Since then, they have released five albums and have been very successful, headlining concerts and supporting such...

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Watch Joan Smalls’ Guide To Sculpting Your Skin

Bella Breakdown Believe it or not Joan Smalls has been doing her own makeup for quite sometime now, which isn’t the norm for a supermodel and actress. Typically, they have people around the clock waiting on them hand and foot with a team of makeup artists. So how does she get her makeup to look so flawless on her own? Joan usually starts out with her eyebrows. Since she has a scar above her eyebrow she tends to fill that in first, but she doesn’t fill using her natural color. She typically mixes between two colors both being a...

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Manteniéndolo Informado: Lo Mas Reciente En Las Noticias

Las Noticias Del Momento Los teléfonos inteligentes y la tecnología celular le están jugando una mala movida a la seguridad de la familia y de las personas. Los casos de personas que han sido jaqueadas por piratas cibernéticos esta en aumento y es un dolor de cabeza para la familia y los bancos. La tecnología ahora permite hacer transacciones bancarias, pago de cuenta y transferencias pero, esta realmente protegido? En el video vemos la historia de una mujer, y su familia, y la horrible experiencia de cómo fueron jaqueados y su información fue utilizada para otros intereses monetarios. Fueron...

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