Signs Your Friend Is A Narcissist

Bella Breakdown There is truly nothing better than friendship. But the quality of a friendship can take a nose dive if your friend is a narcissist. If your so called friend is negatively affecting you, you may want to reevaluate your friendship. Here are some tell-tale signs that your friend is a narcissist. If you see these signs, steer clear! If you used to have a ton of fun hanging out with them and now you are just drained and exhausted after spending time with them. You may not realize it, but this is not healthy and you should...

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Ricky Martin En Concierto

Bella Breakdown Los presentadores de noticias y los chismosos por igual no pueden dejar de hablar sobre el cantante, actor e incluso autor puertorriqueño, Ricky Martin, de gira. Las entradas están a la venta y el cantante visitará diez lugares diferentes durante los meses de agosto y septiembre. Mientras que Martin tiene 46 años, no parece viejo en absoluto. Recientemente publicó un video de él mismo tomando el sol en Instagram y ¡el mensaje le consiguió casi dos millones de visitas! Huelga decir que no ha envejecido en absoluto. Además de publicar en Instagram, también ha llevado a Twitter....

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Why Is Everyone Doing ‘Migraine Pose’ on Instagram These Days?

No, you do not need a migraine to be able to perfect this trending pose. The migraine pose is how all the models and Insta-famous people are posing. Magazine covers, Instagram pictures, and any other photograph you can think of. Kendall Jenner, Kylie Jenner, Bella Hadid, Rita Ora and many others have adopted the pose. There is some science behind the pose though. Makeup artists told Elle magazine that the pose tightens the face and shows off your cheek bones. It also gives your eyebrows a little lift. If you are going to try the pose, professionals say to...

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How To Make Your $1 False Eyelashes Look Expensive

Bella Breakdown We know just how intimidating fake eyelashes can be. They can be a little tricky, but they are actually simpler than you think. Once you warm up to them, they are a super great everyday option. Hop on over to the drug store and buy some cheap falsies! Here is how you make them look absolutely fabulous. All you are going to need is your package of fake eyelashes and a spoolie. First, take the spoolie and brush out your fake eye lashes to ensure they aren’t twisted or clumped together. This will make application easier and...

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Foods That Will Help You Improve Your Memory

Bella Breakdown Find yourself forgetting where you put your phone or keys all the time? Try these foods to improve your memory! Dark chocolate. Have a sweet tooth? Use this as your excuse. Indulge in some chocolate every once in a while to prevent excessive oxidation. This will help your memory! Blueberries. Whether you eat them straight off the bush or throw them in a pie, eat them! They help with retention rate and learning skills. Avocado. They will help you remember tiny details in your daily routine. Like where you always put your keys or remembering your lunch...

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