Relationship Warning Signs

Bella Breakdown Being in a relationship is difficult, but rewarding. It can have really high highs and really low lows. Sometimes it can be hard to tell if your relationship problems are normal, or if it is a sign that your relationship is going south. There are some warnings that you should look for that might be telling you it’s time to call it quits and say, “Thank you, next!” 1. You put in more effort If you are always the one making plans, paying the bill, solving the problem, or admitting defeat in a fight, then you are...

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Keep Your Love Alive With These Helpful Tips

Bella Breakdown Getting your happily ever after in love is something that everyone dreams of. Sadly, some couples seem to just fall out of love and decide to either divorce or breakup. However, for other couples keeping that passion is easy and have ways that they use to keep that love alive and strong. Exchange “love vows:” Figuring out what your partner wants more of and commit to doing it is a good way to keep that passion going. As long as the requests are something you’re comfortable with, try things like one of you promising the other 20...

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Choosing Pets Over Kids? You’re Not Alone!

Bella Breakdown Don’t be so quick to judge the crazy cat lady next door. According to new statistics, more people are ditching the traditional family life for a life with pets. The family unit as we know it is changing and has been changing slowly since the mid-2000s. No more are the days of traditional married couples with 2.5 kids and a white picket fence. It seems that more and more couples are choosing to have “furry children” over having traditional kids. In 1970, roughly 40% of couples had children but roughly 40 years later, only 20% of married...

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Falling In Love Can Happen At Any Time

Bella Breakdown You can’t plan when you will fall in love with someone. Love is sneaky, and it can hit you out of the blue. Knowing you are in love with your partner varies from couple to couple. Check out some of these adorable falling in love stories from the video above: The first couple, who have been married for 21 days, had very different time periods for knowing that they loved each other. The woman said that she knew a year and a half into their relationship when they visited his family for the first time. On the...

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Love Languages Reveal Why You And Your Partner Clean Differently

Bella Breakdown There comes a point in almost every relationship when a couple gets in an argument about cleaning. He wants the dishes done right now and she wants to wait until tomorrow to wash them. Or, they always take turns cleaning but she wishes they would work on the house together. Many couples go through their relationship with toilet scrubber disagreements, without ever wondering where these arguments originate. They walk through life, never diving deeper than the surface of their Windex issues because they believe that the problem cannot be fixed. But what if the reason why two...

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