You Shouldn’t Rely On Your Partner For Everything

Bella Breakdown It can be easy to lean on our SOs for a lot of things. They make us feel safe, loved, warm, and in a lot of instances they can provide an escape from some harsh realities like loneliness. However, if you’re relying on your partner too much, it can be a detriment to both you and your relationship. “A healthy, stable relationship has an interplay between independence and interdependence, between ‘me’ and ‘us,'” relationship therapist Rhonda Milrad, LCSW, told Bustle. “Your partner can’t provide all the things that you need, and if you put them in the...

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So You Want To Take The Next Step… But Your Partner Doesn’t

Bella Breakdown I’ve been in this situation a couple times now. I’m super excited about the state of my relationship, I’m in love, and I want to move in with my partner. It’s not a crazy idea, in my opinion. I mean what’s the point of paying two rents and constantly traveling between two places when you could just live together? I fully acknowledge that it is a big step, and one you have to be ready for, so I’ve come up with a few points for you and your SO to talk about when having this discussion. Is...

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Why You Shouldn’t Shop With Your Partner

Bella Breakdown Your significant other is probably the first person you think of to do activities with. As the Christmas season rounds the corner, you are probably under the impression that it’s a good idea to shop with one another, probably not for their gift, but for your family and mutual friends. Well, I hate to break it to you but shopping with your partner under most circumstances could be damaging to your relationship. Okay, so maybe not while you are holiday shopping, but if you live together and are deciding to shop to redecorate your home, some of...

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Taking Your Relationship Public

Bella Breakdown The beginning of a relationship is one of the most exciting points of it. You are still totally infatuated with your new partner. You are definitely still trying when you go on dates, or when they come over to stay the night. You try to keep your grossest habits at bay until you know they’re probably not going anywhere. Every little thing they do is cute, and in no way annoying. That’s for later down the road. One of the more exciting parts about your new relationship is getting to share it with other people. You’re so...

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Why People Stay In Bad Relationships

Bella Breakdown You might know someone who is in a terrible relationship, or you yourself could be in a bad relationship and struggling to get out. We are a culture who idealizes love, so why do we stick around if we know that love is, frankly, terrible? Well, the answer might lie within your partner. Studies have shown that people tend to stay in relationships 2 months to 10 weeks longer than when the actual thought to break up occurs. This is specifically true when the person who wants to do the breaking up feels that their partner is...

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