Amy Schumer Talks Being A Working Mom, And Now We’re All Talking, Too

(Photo Credit: Jordan Strauss/Invision)

Bella Breakdown

Nothing changes you quite like the birth of a child. Your heart opens up and just about everything else about you and your life changes as well. You definitely sleep less but the benefits definitely outweigh the hard moments.

One of the biggest changes that people face with the birth of a child is the effects on their career. For some, it’s hard to go back to work and leave their newborn baby at home or under the care of someone else. For others, it is just stressful to go back to work and balance the home and work life. But Amy Schumer may be one of those moms that have found the happy medium, that perfect balance between work and family life.

In a recent interview, Amy Schumer explains that her baby doesn’t define her whole life. She is still someone with hopes and dreams and goals that she is still striving to accomplish. She also highlighted the importance of chasing your dreams and still living your life, even though you now have a baby. In fact, she went on to add that “it’s good to be back and the breaks energize me to be a better mom and appreciate our time even more.”

Author: Rosemary Clipper

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