DIY Homemade Hair Growth Treatments For Long Locks

Bella Breakdown

Looking for luxurious long locks can get expensive with treatments and beauty products but you can achieve longer hair with simple DIY hair treatments. These homemade beauty treatments are inexpensive and will keep your hair long and healthy.

Rice provides a high source of protein and starch that is healthy for growing long hair and prevent breakage when using fermented rice water. Simply soak 1/2 cup of white rice overnight then strain the rice until the water smells sour then let it chill in the fridge for 8 extra hours.

Add one cup of water along with 2 tbsps of coconut oil, and 3-4 drops of rosemary essential oil to complete the DIY hair treatment. For application, apply the mixture to hair while messaging your scalp for 15-20 minutes then cover with a shower cap for 40 minutes. Simply wash off the treatment with a mild chemical-free shampoo and repeat the treatment three times per week.

Another treatment option is a DIY spray treatment with natural essential oils. Using an 8-ounce spray bottle, add 4 tbsps of witch hazel (alcohol-free recommended for oily hair) and 1 cup of distilled water (leaving room at the top for essential oils). Add 1 tsp carrot seed oil, 1/2 tsp argan oil, 12 drops of peppermint essential oil, 12 drops rosemary essential oil, 12 drops of cedarwood essential oil, and 12 drops of lavender oil to the bottle then replace the cap and shake the bottle to mix ingredients.

You can use this growth spray as desired and can be used daily, simple shake the spray bottle well before use. This growth spray can also be used as a detangler that will also help to prevent breakage.

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