Tips for Outdoor Grilling

Bella Breakdown
Oh men…how we love them and the silly things they do to prove it, like grilling. That’s why we can’t get enough of this vintage Martha teaching us how to light a grill the right way.

One of the nice things about grilling is that it’s really simple and you don’t have a lot of choices to make. As far as grills are concerned you want one with a big enough surface for you to have a really hot fire on one side of the grill and a not so hot one on the other.

The second thing to consider is the fuel that you use. There are lots of different options out there but as with most things, classic is the best. Hardwood charcoal is hard to beat, it’s a pure product that starts easier, burns hotter and you can add things to the grill while the fire still getting going.

Next comes lighting it, there’s a couple different ways to get it going, lighter fluid, which is not too friendly to the environment or the simplest method with a chimney. Just crinkle up some newspaper and stick it underneath, then put some charcoal in the chimney and some in the grill. Light the newspaper underneath and in about 15 minutes it’s all lit and ready to go. Pour over the rest of your charcoal in the grill and when the coals start turning white you’re set.

Have fun saving the day ; )

Author: Courtney

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