What You Should Eat After A Workout

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Bella Breakdown

While what you eat before going to the dream can contribute to how intense a workout can be, what you eat post-workout can also affect your body. While going straight to a fast-food chain isn’t ideal, eating is an important part of your fitness regimen.

During exercise, your muscles are using up stored glycogen so it is important that getting the right nutritional balance after working out to restore those energy levels and reducing fatigue.

One thing you should be eating is protein. When you workout your body begins to build onto your existing muscles as long as your body recovers properly.

One way to do this is to consume protein after going to the gym. Eating protein will help the muscles to heal and prevents the loss of lean mass, which contributes to a muscular and toned appearance. Consuming Greek yogurt, cottage cheese and eggs will fulfill your body’s protein needs post-workout.

You may be on a low-carb diet, but eating carbohydrate-rich foods is the best way to reduce the decreases in immunity that can occur. Try eating sweet potatoes, grains, and fruits which are all high in levels of carbohydrates.

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