Easy Tricks To Help Wake You Up In The Morning

Bella Breakdown

The weekend is over and the new week is here meaning sleeping in is no longer an option. While the “Monday Blues” has affected all of us at some time (or a few) here are some tricks you can use to get yourself up and at ’em.

If you have joined the rest of the world by getting a smartphone then you should know there’s an app for everything. If setting multiple alarm clocks aren’t doing the trick then try downloading an app that specializes in sleep monitoring. That way the app will take note of your sleep patterns and adjust accordingly making sure you get the best rest.

Increasing your alertness when you wake up will definitely help your body and mind. Using a peppermint oil diffuser will boost your energy making your morning routine less sluggish. Other ways to increase your alertness is to drink a glass of water or listen to your favorite playlist while getting dressed for work or school.

Like most new things you try, you can’t just go in head first. Waking up early sometimes has to be taken a step at a time, so don’t be afraid to go slow. Try waking up one or two minutes earlier every other day to get your body used to the earlier wake-up time.

Learn some more tricks to wake your body up by watching the video above.

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