The Downsides To Retiring Early

Bella Breakdown Retiring just isn’t what it used to be. If wasn’t the worst that the nation’s social security program running out of money for retirees, here are more reasons why retiring early isn’t everything it’s cracked up to be. You may suffer from an identity crisis: When you’ve spent at least a decade working in any job, you may find it incredibly jolting to no longer be identified as an expert of your career field when talking to family or friends. The first couple of weeks or months may feel great, but after a while, you will begin...

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5 Steps To Improve The Way You See Yourself

Bella Breakdown No matter how hard you try, sometimes staying positive can be toxic. There’s such a thing as toxic positivity. We are all learning that it’s okay not to be okay all the time. However, some steps will help you love yourself more. Self-love includes respect, higher self-esteem, and overall, a naturally more positive attitude. Try these tips, use them daily, and watch that positivity become part of you. Celebrate Your Body It’s not about your height or your weight. Celebrate what your body does for you every day. It can take you places, give you babies, earn...

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Reasons Why Renting A Home Is Better Than Buying One

Bella Breakdown Owning a home has always been a part of the American Dream. Sadly, that dream isn’t going to come true for everyone and finding alternatives has become necessary. That’s why if you’re wanting to own home, but don’t think it’s the best decision here are some ways renting a home is better than owning one. Renting helps you avoid some major expenses: One of the best reasons why renting a home is better than buying one is because of the money you save on maintenance. Things like a new roof and gutters can cost over $7,000. And...

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Give Your Partner A Relaxing Massage With These Easy Techniques

Bella Breakdown Show your significant other some love with a relaxing massage with these easy to learn technique they’ll be sure to love. For a nice neck and shoulder massage you can try trapezius pulls. With your partner sitting up, press and pull your fingers slowly across the back, pulling from the neck down the shoulders. Back circles are great for relieving tension in the back of the neck, press down with your thumbs and make circular motions. Another technique for the neck is to rub your hands down the neck of the shoulders then press and pull fingers...

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Get A Great Night Of Sleep By Improving Your Sleep Routine

Bella Breakdown Getting a good night of sleep might seem harder than you think by starting with simple changes to your nighttime routine. These simple sleep routine tips will have you waking up in the morning feeling well-rested. The light from our various screen devices strain the eye and throws the body off the natural circadian rhythm which messes with the natural sleep schedule. Try to cut back your screentime before going to bed that will help prepare your body for rest. You can consider alternative pre-bedtime activities to cut down screentime while relaxing reading a nice book, meditating,...

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