6 Hacks You Need to Know if You Are Traveling with Your Pet

Traveling with a pet can be an exciting adventure, but it requires a bit of extra planning to ensure everything goes smoothly. Whether you’re heading out on a road trip or taking a flight, these six hacks will help make traveling with your furry friend a breeze! Pack a Pet Travel Kit Create a travel kit for your pet with all their essentials. Include food, water, bowls, a leash, waste bags, and their favorite toys. Don’t forget any medications they might need and a first-aid kit. Having everything in one place will keep you organized and ensure you’re prepared...

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Holiday Travel On The Cheap

Bella Breakdown The time of year to travel is upon us. Millions of people will hop on planes this season to travel all over the world. Some will catch a short flight to go see family and friends. Others will travel to new destinations, worlds away, to see places and cultures that they haven’t experienced yet. Whichever route you decide, here are a few tips to travel on the...

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Happy And Healthy Parenting Tips

Bella Breakdown Holidays may mean that parents getting ready for the holidays and this also means shopping and figuring out the holiday break. One of the things Forbes Magazine recommends for the holidays is that parents could treat themselves too. While you are getting your kids new winter clothes and presents, buy yourself a little something too. After all, you deserve it, and there is no better excuse than when you are already out shopping anyway. Another thing you can do is to take a little bit of your time. It doesn’t have to be somewhere exotic or far...

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Roger Federer Helps You Eat Like A Pro

Bella Breakdown Athletes tend to be in a tier of their own. Top tier athletes in their respective sports usually have top-notch gym routines, top-notch recovery methods, and top-notch nutrition to keep them at the top of their game. But tennis star Rodger Federer may be putting that theory to the test. In case you haven’t been following tennis for the last twenty years, Roger Federer is one of the best in the game. With over twenty Grand Slam Titles (think tournament wins vs the best in tennis), he is the record holder for most Grand Slam titles ever...

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Travel Safely With Your Pets During Your Next Trip

Bella Breakdown With all of the travel of the summer and fall seasons, traveling with your pet can be concerning. Here are a few tips to help make traveling with your furry friend as easy and safe as possible. If your pet is truly a member of the family, you would never want to leave them at home or in some boarding house. But traveling with a pet is challenging to say the least. But it doesn’t have to be. If you plan on putting your pet in some sort of cage or kennel for the journey, make sure...

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