Emma Watson On Being “Self-Partnered”

Bella Breakdown Watching Emma Watson grow up through the Harry Potter series as the brilliant and confident Hermoine Granger may make it hard to believe that the actress is quite grown up. However, through her various recent roles including Belle in the Disney live-action remake of Beauty and the Beast, and her most recent role in Pretty Woman, , as well as her ongoing dedication to various activist campaigns and groups, this star, is the perfect role model for girls of all ages. Whether she’s inspiring young girls to be proud of their intelligence or offering relatable advice to...

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This Is The Right Way To Reject Someone You’re Dating

Bella Breakdown The dating game is tiresome and tedious. We’ve all been in situations where the date just isn’t going well, or it’s just time to cut the person loose and move on. Getting rejected can be just as hard as dishing out the rejection, so if you’re facing a situation where you need to have an honest conversation and cut the ties, there’s definitely a right way to go about it. “Rejection can be difficult for those who are doing the rejecting and those who are experiencing the rejecting,” licensed clinical psychologist Dr. Molly Giorgio, told Bustle. “However,...

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Four Things to Consider If You Haven’t Met “The One”

Bella Breakdown Most of us like to believe that we each have a soulmate (or maybe multiple soulmates) who are wandering the earth just waiting for us to find them. Others believe that there are many possible matches for one person, and that relationships just need time and nurturing. Whatever your philosophy on love, don’t be frustrated if you haven’t met your perfect match yet. Take some time to reflect and think about some things that might be in your way, even if you didn’t know it. 1. Do you have a good relationship with yourself? It may be...

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The Outdated Dating Rules You Should Break

Bella Breakdown Dating is tougher than ever. There are a million different apps and dating websites, and if your BFF can’t find him or her on Facebook, you may as well be dating a ghost. There are so many stale rules around dating and courtship, but as a woman in (almost) 2019, there are some rules that you should just straight up ignore. 1. Don’t Ask Him Out This is one of the biggies. Your mom probably always told you that you have to let the man ask you out. Well that’s garbage, and frankly, ineffective. No one has...

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The Dos And Don’ts Of A First Date

Bella Breakdown It’s officially cuffing season, and there’s nothing better than cuddling up with your SO by the fire. For those of you who are dating this season, or maybe getting back out there for the first time in a while, a first date can be extra intimidating. Let’s admit it, it’s also pretty awkward. No one is a professional at this stuff, and the best advice is to just be yourself, but there are a few tricks of the dating trade that can help ease your nerves. Do Admit Your Nervous You’re only human, and unless your date...

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