Pets Over Kids, The New Norm

Don’t be so quick to judge the crazy cat lady next door. According to new statistics, more people are ditching the traditional family life for a life with pets. The family unit as we know it is changing and has been changing slowly since the mid-2000s. No more are the days of traditional married couples with 2.5 kids and a white picket fence. It seems that more and more couples are choosing to have “furry children” over having traditional kids. In 1970, roughly 40% of couples had children but roughly 40 years later, only 20% of married couples had...

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Ever Wonder Why You Love Yoga So Much? Here’s a Scientific Explanation

Bella Breakdown There is no denying the effects of yoga. Something about yoga just relaxes the body and the mind and even though you aren’t any good at it, you keep coming back for more. And no diss to essential oils, but there is actually a science behind it and a reason as to why it works. Yoga is one of the oldest arts known to man. Monks have been practicing yoga for centuries, and for good reason. It is a form of relaxation and a total body reset that most people need or at least want. But in...

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New Meat Alternative Revealed That Smells And Tastes Like Beef

Bella Breakdown 2019 was the year of new meat alternatives with companies committing to offering a meatless option including Dunkin Donuts and Burger King. Another meatless option was revealed being made from soy protein and is lab-grown. Researchers in Israel created a 3D scaffold for alternative meat using textured soy protein (an edible by-product of soybean production) that acts as a skeleton for bovine cells to grow around. This process creates a beef-like muscle tissue when baked or fried, replicating the texture of meat. This alternative is different than the competing Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods formula that utilizes...

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Gen Z is Taking Over The Travel Experience, And We’re All For It

Bella Breakdown With every new generation brings changes not only in society but in the way that the “market” changes to adjust to the new values of the generation. Travel is no different and in-fact, Generation Z is changing the way the world travels. Generation Z are people born between 1995 and 2000. You may know them as people who are somewhere between graduating high school and graduating from college. But besides the obvious, Gen Z-ers are different in the way the go about a lot of things. But travel seems to be making one of the biggest splashes...

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Love & Astrology: Learn The Neediest Signs

Bella Breakdown Some say that love, or lovers rather, are written in the stars. Others take it a step further with astrological signs and horoscopes. Whether you believe it or not, there is something to say about relationships and astrological signs. Are there things about your significant other that you don’t quite understand? Sometimes their astrological sign can provide key insight on how they are feeling and how they view the world, e.g. relationships. While you may not believe in horoscopes, there is definitely a correlation between people’s signs and how needy they actually are. One of the neediest...

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