When Do You Need To Drink More Water?

Bella Breakdown Hydration is always important. Drinking water will help you with your skin, your regularity, your weight, and much more. Generally, you should be drinking at least two liters a day. However, there are times when you need to drink even more water than normal. 1. When You Drink Alcohol Drinking often makes people dehydrated because it stops your kidneys from fully talking to your brain, so you lose more fluids than you normally would. Keep a water bottle with you when you go out or order water with your cocktail. 2. When you are on Meds Some...

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Ditch Sugary Soda For These Delightful Diet Drinks

Bella Breakdown One of the biggest ways you can improve your diet is to cut sugar out as much as possible, especially when it comes to drinking soda. Replace your favorite soda with a healthier drink option and we offer some simple recipes to make at home. Pineapple Water Detox Drink This tasty pineapple detox drink improves thyroid gland functions, improves digestion, fights inflammation, balances electrolyte levels, and promotes weight loss. Print Recipe EquipmentMason Jar and Lid Ingredients  1 Pineapple (medium-sized)6 Mint Leaves1 liter Water1 Lime (optional, cut into lime wheel) Instructions Peel pineapple then chop into small pieces. Pour water into the mason jar, then add...

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Drinking Lemon Water Does More For Your Body Than Taste Good

Bella Breakdown It’s no secret that drinking water is good for you. However, if you are someone that needs a little extra something in the flavorless beverage than lemon water is just as good, if not better than a regular glass of water. If you don’t believe us then look below to see all the benefits lemon water has on your body. Weight Loss: Research has shown that the polyphenol antioxidants found in lemons significantly reduce weight gain. This may be due to people drinking more of the flavored water and feeling full. This same study also found that...

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The Thirst Is Real! 5 Uncommon Ways To Rehydrate

Bella Breakdown Drinking eight glasses of water is the recommended amount for someone to drink on a daily basis. However, some people aren’t too keen on consuming the flavorless beverage so hear are some uncommon ways for you to keep your body hydrated. Good for your bones and apparently good for refreshment, milk is said to be even more effective than water when it comes to rehydrating the body. Researchers say that the sodium and potassium levels in milk make it harder for your body to get rid of the liquid. Unlike water, which you can lose as soon...

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Drinking Water Has A Plethora Of Health Benefits

Bella Breakdown Drinking water is one of the best things humans can do for themselves. Why? Well, we need water. And when we don’t get water, a whole stew of problems can arise. I’m getting thirsty just thinking about the health benefits. Water helps every part of the body, from your head down to your feet. So, let’s start with the head. Firstly, water can prevent headaches. When people get dehydrated, they can often get a splitting pain in their heads. So, drink water to prevent headaches or if you are prone to headaches. Water also gives your brain...

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