What Keeps Romance Alive

Bella Breakdown Long lasting relationships are sometimes difficult to come by. Even if a couple has had a long lasting relationship, it might not be the most loving one. A lot of people stay together for a long time out of comfort, convenience, family, and religious purposes. But, what about those rare couples that have managed to withhold a long lasting romantic love? You know, that ones that are straight out of a Nicholas Sparks book. It seems that having fun together might be the key. Enjoying each other’s company, even when times are rough. Being able to depend...

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Makeup For The Busy Woman

Bella Breakdown Whether you’re the Mom on the go, or the 8am to 9pm worker, you know that you don’t have a lot of time to spend on well, anything. Sometimes it is difficult to carve out time for your beauty routine. Your makeup game is okay, but it could definitely be elevated. There are a few products that will help you step up your makeup game without having to spare anymore time to do it! 1. A Bomb Hair Dryer By investing in a really good hair dryer, you can save time in the morning, and still get...

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