These Sustainable Luxury Makeup And Skincare Products Are Worth Trying

Bella Breakdown The beauty industry is always looking to the future of beauty and more companies are claiming to invest in the future of sustainability. More beauty companies are claiming to commit to sustainable practices, not all of them are staying true to their promise of sustainability. Being an educated consumer can help find beauty products that are truly sustainable through manufacturing and thoughtful packaging. Here are a couple of sustainable beauty products with companies that practice eco-friendly initiatives and recycling programs. If you need help deciding which Balmies to buy, try Cotton Candy Skies☁️ Our most popular Balmie...

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Toothpaste: The Multi-Purpose Beauty Product

Bella Breakdown That sweet minty freshness we experience in our mouths two times a day can do a lot more than just brighten your smile. I’m talking about toothpaste of course. Did you know toothpaste has the capability to do more than fight plaque, whiten teeth, and freshen breath? I know, what else could it possibly do!? Toothpaste can help clear acne and blemishes. Rather than spending a lot of money on zit creams, or attempting to pop pimples, by applying toothpaste directly to your acne, you can dry out a nasty zit! It also smells a lot better...

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