Embracing Single Life

Bella Breakdown Single life gets a bad rap. A lot of people look at single life as if you’re just killing time until you find the right one. They think it’s a time to kiss some frogs before you find your prince or princess. If you aren’t enjoying your single life you aren’t doing it right. Being single is actually a really important, and potentially extremely enjoyable part of your life. Millennials seem to be making a conscious effort to be single. They are using it as a time to practice self care and self reflection. Being single, especially...

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Being Single Might Be More Important Than Being In A Relationship

Bella Breakdown We spend a lot of our adult lives trying to search for love. So much so that we actually ignore a lot of things about ourselves. There is the misconception that we are simply half of a person until we find the “one” who makes us whole. Well, that’s sort of a load of bull. It is really important to truly explore your single self. We could very well find ourselves in a good relationship. It could be romantic, and loving, but you could feel as though something is missing. Or maybe you are compromising who you...

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