Protect Your Skin This Summer

Bella Breakdown Since I was a young child, all I’ve ever wanted was an all over summer tan. Instead, my typically pasty self would burn like a boiling lobster, and then freckle. I was convinced that anytime I did get tan, it was because all of my freckles were connecting. I was completely irresponsible in the sun. I thought it was okay to let myself burn to the point of peeling, simply so I could obtain a fleeting tan. Now just a few years later, I find myself worried about new moles. I even notice wrinkles starting to form...

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Snapchat’s New Spectacles Are Here Just In Time For Summer

Bella Breakdown It’s almost summertime! With the change of another season comes the latest innovations and updates in the tech world and fashion world. Snapchat has recently unveiled their latest spectacle, and it looks much trendier than their previous model. It’s just in time to look cute this summer, while snapping all of your best memories. The camera equipped glasses have much better features than the previous pair, which only allowed you to record videos. The new glasses allow you to capture still photos, which is much better than only video. Also, these glasses are water-resistant so you can...

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