Robots, Botox, And Google Glass … Technology Just Keeps Getting Creepier!

Bella Breakdown Know that feeling when you search for something online and all of a sudden ads are popping up about it? That creepy feeling has a name. Professor of Robotics Ken Goldberg (Tiffany’s husband), tells us all about it. So, why are we creating technology that is becoming more and more creepy you ask? Well, the answer to that is that as our technologies become more and more sophisticated, they’re becoming more and more life-like and that triggers a reflex in us because we know it’s not human. And it’s not just technology that is triggering this reflux,...

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Punk Rock Diplomacy IS the Way of The Future!

  Bella Breakdown Starting with a hilarious story about Tiffany when she was 18 and out of her element, this episode explores her recent journeys with the US State Department and how everyone can participate in what she calls “punk rock diplomacy.” What do you think about when you hear the words international relations? Do you see it as a deep distant formality? If you do, many don’t realize about the other layer that goes on behind the scenes that’s not about resolving conflict, but more about making connections. Traveling is one of the greatest gifts and if you...

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The Down-Low on Daydreaming!

  Bella Breakdown What happens in our brains when we’re daydreaming? This episode is a dream-like ride that explores the science behind why, as we rush into the future, it’s more important than ever to let our minds wander. We live in a world where we’re constantly on the go, yet it is important to know when your mind is most supple and build that more into your life. Where do you feel most creative? The future doesn’t start somewhere far off into the distance, the future starts...

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