meowbox is a Must For All Cat Parents

Bella Breakdown Helllooooooo fellow cat ladies! If you’re like us, you love your kitties like they’re your own children, meaning you spoil them like crazy. Well, as much as you can anyway. When finding your cattos toys, pet stores seem to keep it simple with the same basic toys. Luckily for us, there is meowbox, the monthly subscription service that delivers a unique box of goodies for your furry friend, it’s even personalized with your kitties name is handwritten on the box! Each month has a new fun theme, we were lucky enough to get the Sushi box, which may we...

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Calling All “Cat Ladies”: How Well Do You Know Your Cat?

Bella Breakdown How well do you know your cat? Probably not as well as you could. University of Bristol Anthrozoology Institute’s John Bradshaw joins Lunch Break with Tanya Rivero and explains the evolution of our feline friends and how to get to know them better. Believe it or not about 37% of American households have cats and we all know about cats and the internet. There are about 2 million cat videos on YouTube and have been collectively viewed 25 billion times according to a marketing site and yet cats still are known to be mysterious! Why is that...

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