Protect Your Skin This Summer

Bella Breakdown Since I was a young child, all I’ve ever wanted was an all over summer tan. Instead, my typically pasty self would burn like a boiling lobster, and then freckle. I was convinced that anytime I did get tan, it was because all of my freckles were connecting. I was completely irresponsible in the sun. I thought it was okay to let myself burn to the point of peeling, simply so I could obtain a fleeting tan. Now just a few years later, I find myself worried about new moles. I even notice wrinkles starting to form...

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How You’re Hurting Your Hair

Bella Breakdown There are a lot of myths as to how you can grow long, silky hair. Oils, special shampoos, crazy routines, and possibly even a sacrifice here and there are a few ways people attempt to get beautiful hair. Trying to obtain beautiful hair could be as simple as stopping some really damaging habits that you might not even realize are adversely affecting your hair. 1. The Wrong Shampoo You could very well be using the wrong shampoo. If you color your hair it’s important to use color-safe shampoos to maintain the color and the shine. It’s important...

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