For Richer, Or Poorer

Bella Breakdown Love and finances are two topics that, when combined, can be a little touchy. When you get married, however your finances more often than not, are going to be combined. Purchases like cars and houses, in addition to whether or not you’ll want children are financial subjects that should be discussed together. So, let’s say you’re engaged and about to get married, what can you do to ensure financial success after your vows have been exchanged? 1. You’ve got to talk about it Finances are not going away, or getting easier after marriage. Open the lines of...

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Things That Make You A Good Partner

Bella Breakdown A lot of people swear that they are a good boyfriend or girlfriend. It becomes a mean of reasoning when people are dating. “But I’m the best girlfriend!”, or “I know I’m boyfriend material”. But, are we really sure we’re the great partners we say we are? There are ways to know if you’re a good partner in a relationship. 1. You have a life When you have your own life, and you’re making room for someone else, that’s a good sign you’ll be a good partner. For one, you are putting aside some of your own...

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The Most Important Love You’ll Ever Have

Bella Breakdown There is nothing quite like the feeling of being in love. Love is uplifting and sometimes all consuming. We truly do crazy things for love. We also lose love, and it deeply deeply hurts. Sometimes we wonder where that love goes, and what kind of person will we love next? There is one relationship, though, where the love should never go away. That is the relationship you have with yourself. You may find yourself to be one of those people that always has to be in love. So much so, that you never give any time to...

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Which App On Your Phone Is Hurting Your Relationships?

Bella Breakdown There’s an app on your phone that is hurting your relationship. No, it’s not Tinder or Bumble or Snapchat. It’s not even Facebook or Instagram. It’s Venmo. Now, if you’re not familiar with Venmo, DON’T DOWNLOAD IT! Just kidding. It’s a money-sending app that allows you to pay and request dollar amounts from people in your contact list. It’s a great way to make payments to roommates for rent and utilities. You can use it to send money to a friend who just spotted you a $20. It’s super convenient, but apparently it’s also damaging our relationships....

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It’s 2018 And Dating Communication Is The Worst

Bella Breakdown So many things are made easier by technology. It truly feels like we are on our way to the kind of futuristic world we grew up watching in movies and television. Elon Musk just sent a car to space for crying out loud! So, why oh why is dating so awful in 2018? There are so many ways to get rejected today. There are multiple terms for poor dating etiquette, such as bread crumbing, ghosting, and the latest R-bombing. This apparently means that you’ve sent someone a text who has their read receipts on, and you can...

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