How to Get Your Child to Feel Comfortable Telling You What’s Going on in Their Life

How-To Create an Open & Honest Dialogue with Your Kids The first day of school has either begun or is about to begin for most of our kids. Therefore, there are at least six hours of your child’s day that you have no idea about. You know that they are safe in school, learning, making new friends, and many other things. However, how do you get them to tell you some of the details about what went on in their lives all day? Show that you care. These days, with all of the gadgets we all have, the number...

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School Days: Tips for Getting Your Kids to Talk About Their Day at School

Tips For Starting a Post-School Convo With Kids! We, as parents, have all gotten the same mundane answers from our kids when we ask them about their day. How was your day? Fine. What did you do? Nothing.  With our children sometimes being so reluctant to reveal information about their day at school, camp, or daycare, how can we know what is going on for all of the hours that they are not with us? Ask your kids to tell three positive and three negative things about their day. If you ask them yes or no questions all you’ll...

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