Fun And Free Date Ideas You Should Try

Bella Breakdown

What’s better than a fun, romantic date night? One that’s free, of course. You don’t have to break the bank to impress your partner, and you don’t need them to break the bank for you. After all, the best things in life are free. Love and romance are all about creating the moment, which means some of the best date ideas are ones that cost little to no money. If you’ve been running out of ideas for you and your loved on for date nights, or are just bored with binge watching TV shows every night, here are some fun and free date ideas to spice it up!

1. Get active together: Go for a run, walk or hike together and enjoy some fresh air. Not only will you build up a sweat, you also get to bond through chasing a common goal. Look at it as team work makes the dream work.

2. Take a cooking class: Use that smartphone to learn something new together! There are thousands of cooking tutorials on YouTube, for beginners to advanced chefs!

3. Go geocaching together: That smartphone keeps coming in handy! It feels like a treasure hunt, and it will keep you and your partner entertained.

4. Stargazing: Talk about romantic! Grab a blanket, find a quiet area, and chat under the stars.

5. Have a picnic: Call me old fashioned, but this pastime never goes out of style. A fun picnic in the park is a great switch-up from the monotony of the week.

Author: Amy

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