Meals For One

Bella Breakdown

First of all, stop thinking that meals for one is sad. It is not! We, at some point in our lives, have all been single people, living on our own, having to fend for ourselves! It is important that we know how to make meals for ourselves as well in the most efficient, cost-effective way possible. You can’t order off of the dollar menu you’re entire life, and we all know eating out gets expensive. So here are a few ways to make the most out of meals for one:

1. Plan Your Meals Around Your Ingredients
A lot of the times, certain foods come in packages. This includes fruits, veggies, and meats. So plan to have chicken for a few of your meals, or vegetables for a few of your meals. That way you’re using everything with little waste.

2. Always Keep Staples
Having foods like rice and beans stocked in the house is great when you don’t have money to go out, or you don’t want to have to run to the store.

3. Don’t Shy Away From the Deli Counter
This is a great way to measure out your food so you’re not being wasteful about your meats. You can get a recipe and know exactly how much meat you’ll need for it.

4. Leftovers
Leftovers are your best friend… not your real best friend. Remember you’re cooking for one here.

Author: Alicia Rodriguez

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