The Side Effects Of Spinach You’ll Want To Know

Bella Breakdown

Popeye may not have had it completely right with his love of spinach. While spinach has many health benefits with its various vitamins and minerals, there is a down side to the leafy superfood when consumed excessively.

First, eating too much spinach can cause your body to struggle to absorb vital minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc. Due to the oxalate acid that can be found in the greens exiting your body in the form of urine other minerals in your body can also be bound into those oxalates. This makes it difficult for your body to absorb those minerals and causing a deficiency.

If your body isn’t fighting a mineral deficiency, then there’s a chance that you could experience teeth coarseness. What this means is that when you eat too much spinach your teeth can start to feel gritty because of the oxalic acid. Luckily, this issue of coarseness can be fixed by just brushing your teeth on a regular basis.

Eating too much spinach could also lead to you developing kidney stones. Excessive consumption of spinach can lead to a higher amount of uric acid in your system. This can then lead to an increase in the calcium level in your kidney stones causing the development of kidney stones.

Learn more about the side effects of too much spinach in the video above.

Author: Brittany Jones

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