Hacks For Keeping Your Kitchen Clean

Bella Breakdown There’s nothing quite like a spotless kitchen, especially when it’s your kitchen. Think about it, this is where you prepare and cook all of your meals. So ideally, it should be one of the cleanest areas of the home! Keeping a spick and span kitchen doesn’t need to be terribly time consuming or expensive; it’s all about knowing how to efficiently and purposefully clean. Here are some of the best hacks for keeping your kitchen clean, and clean longer! 1. Keep the counters clear: Even if it’s just putting the coffee maker away each night, a counter...

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Have You Been Putting These Items Down Your Garbage Disposal?

Bella Breakdown We’ve all accidentally started the garbage disposal with a spoon, fork or some other small utensil in it and thought the world was ending. Of course your flatware is not intended for the garbage disposal, but there are other things you may be putting down that bad boy that aren’t disposal friendly. It’s made to destroy and conquer, but it’s best to be cautious to avoid any unwanted maintenance calls in your future. Leave the below items for the garbage can, not the garbage disposal! Here are some items you may be putting down your disposal that...

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The Best Way To Clean Your Grimey Sponge 

Bella Breakdown If you don’t toss yours weekly like Rach says she does, you have a couple of other options. You can have two sponges on rotation in your kitchen. After you have used one sponge, put it in the top rack of your dishwasher when you are going to run it. Another way to get your sponge really clean is to soak it in vinegar and put the sponge into the microwave for two minutes. In addition to cleaning the sponge, the steam from the sponge will help release the gunk from the inside of the microwave and...

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Add These Essentials To Your Kitchen

Bella Breakdown How aware are you of the utensils, appliances and cookware you have in your kitchen? Listen, we aren’t here to judge…this article is for every level of chef out there! Whether you are a working mom, a stay-at-home dad or just plain love to cook, make sure you have these essentials in your kitchen! Who knows, maybe the addition of the right tools is all that old recipe needs to be reborn! Barebones kitchen essentials everyone should have: 1. Cutting board: not only for sanitary purposes, a cutting board is also handy to prolong the life of...

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Summer Indulgence: Quick & Easy Strawberry Shortcake

Bella Breakdown We show you how to make an updated, summer-friendly take on strawberry shortcake. To make, slice the top off of two sponge cakes and brush them with a thyme simple syrup. Then, mix the thyme simple syrup with sliced strawberries. Let the strawberries sit for up to an hour before spooning them on top of the sponge cake. Spread the strawberries with whipped cream, then add the second layer of sponge cake and more whipped cream and chill overnight....

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