Should You Give Your Pet CBD?

Bella Breakdown

As marijuana becomes increasingly legalized in the United States, CBD oil has also become much more popular. To clarify, CBD is not the chemical that makes people high (that is THC). People generally use CBD oil to help with aches and pains, such as chronic arthritis.

Surprisingly, dog owners have also been turning to CBD as of late. If you go into a marijuana store, you will now see sections specifically for your pets. Owners most often use CBD when their dogs show symptoms of anxiety, stress, or arthritis.

If your dog is exhibiting signs of separation anxiety, such as destroying things when you leave the house or becoming very nervous when you grab your keys and put on your coat, then you may want to consider if CBD is a good option to help calm down your dog.

Likewise, CBD can help older dogs that are experiencing chronic joint pain, just as it helps humans with arthritis. If you notice that your dog is often in pain after exercise, then be sure to check with your vet. They may recommend CBD as a potential solution.

However, it should be noted that although some veterinarians have heard success stories from their clients, they are often hesitant to suggest that owners use CBD on their animals because there is not a lot of research out there to back up the supposed benefits.

Author: Melissa Wesley

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