Are We There Yet? Keeping Your Child Busy When Traveling


How to Keep Kids Occupied During Summer Travel

This summer, thousands of us will take planes, trains, and automobiles to go on vacation or visit friends and family. A trip always takes a bit of planning, and when you travel with kids, it takes even more organization. One of the key steps when planning your trip is to keep kids occupied, in order to keep the boredom at bay. Here are some great ways to keep the whining to a minimum.

Frequent pit stops. Plan these accordingly so that you have a playground, park, or other fun sightseeing adventure where the kids can just run and have some fun. Look on the internet to plan ahead and find some fun places that the whole family will love.

travelwithkids1Lots of healthy snacks. Just because you are traveling does not mean that you have to stop at every fast food restaurant along the way. Some durable traveling snacks are edamame, bagels, carrot and celery sticks, granola bars, raisins, and homemade trail mix. Bring along water also to avoid sugary drinks that will wind your kids up. For desperate moments, bring a few special treats, because, let’s face it, you will need them at some point.

Make it a learning experience. Learn some new facts about each town, state, or country you travel through. Again, look ahead to tie in some neat places to learn about. You can even do a Flat Stanley-ish project, where your child makes a paper doll (or any other creature they like) to have their picture taken with along the way. When you get home, they can make a book about their travels by printing out the pictures of themselves in each place and writing about each one.

Go old school. Play the license plate game (how many states can you find), the alphabet game, the VW Beetle game, I Spy, or any others you remember from when you were a kid. Make up some new ones, too!

Technology. When all else fails, bust out the tablets, iPads, and portable DVD players. When your kids (and you) are at your wits end, have these things handy to keep everyone sane.

Making memories that will last a lifetime is one of the best parts about vacation. Therefore, making the experience enjoyable is a task you are ready to tackle!

Meet The Bella Behind the Blog: Kristen Farley is a mother of three and a domestic goddess. She is a former teacher who enjoys spending lots of time with her kids, healthy eating, volunteering at school, and mommy blogging for the masses.

Be on the lookout for more of Kristen’s expert advice and brilliant tips!

Author: Kristen Farley

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