4 Pilates Exercises to Relieve Lower Back Pain

Bella Breakdown Strengthening your core can help support and stabilize your back, which may have the effect of reducing lower back pain. Give these four Pilates core exercises a try. #1 The 100 Set– laying on your back with your legs at a 45° angle and in a roll up position, pump your arms to the count of 100. #2 Scissors – roll up into a partial sit up position and scissor your legs. Alternate by pulling each leg toward your forehead then switch. Do this for 30 seconds. #3 Glute Bridges– laying on your back with your feet...

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5 Ways to Tone your Abs in Plank

Bella Breakdown We love a good plank! It’s one move that tones your front abs, your side abs, and your back, basically your entire core. At the same time just hovering can get a little boring, so throw these five creative toners into the mix to switch up your exercise routine and get fit for summer. The first is the Whittling Walk, come to the top of a push up with your back flat and your abs tight and lower down on the forearms with the fists in making like an equal sign and walk that back arm in...

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