Here’s What Happens When You Stop Drinking Coffee

Bella Breakdown Coffee may seem like a gift from the heavens above, but there may come a time when you feel you need to cut back. While experts may advise you to take the caffeinated drink out of your diet no one tells you what exactly happens to your body when you do. Until now. Whether you want to admit or not, caffeine is a drug. Which means going cold turkey from drinking coffee isn’t going to be quick and easy. The side effects of quitting coffee will affect you by the first few hours of the day when...

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Coffee, Coffee, Coffee

Health Benefits Behind Coffee A lot of people spend most of their day drinking coffee, and justifying why they need so much coffee. Well look no further for your excuse as to why you’re on your 5th cup of the day! Coffee actually has some really great health benefits. As if you needed more reasons why you love coffee. 1. Coffee can help you lose weight. Because coffee is a stimulant, it helps to maintain your metabolism. Coffee is also a diuretic that helps with regular bowel movements. You might notice you have to go right after you have...

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Coffee Can Help You With Your Weight Loss Goals

Bella Breakdown There are many different tips and tricks you can add to your weight loss regimen, and coffee is a great addition. Not only does the natural caffeine act as a wonderful diuretic, it also helps serve as an appetite suppressant as well. Of course, with the caffeine comes energy as well. Coffee is basically the cure for most things, and today, we are going to clue you in on some of the ways it can help with your weight loss goals. Like anything else, moderation is key; coffee isn’t the only answer and it should always be...

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