Signs It’s Time to Address Your Mental Health
Bella Breakdown Your mental health is very important to your everyday lifestyle. However, no one knows what state your mind is in before you do. That’s why it is very important to notice these simple signs that will let you know when you need to address your own mental health. You don’t have the energy you used to: Fatigue is one of the biggest indicators for both your physical health and your mind. It is also a big sign of depression, but fatigue isn’t just a feeling of being tired. Having low energy, the inability to focus or make...
Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Be Sitting Down All Day
Bella Breakdown Sitting in a chair all day may have been expected of you. However, due to growing health concerns, researchers are advising those who can to get out of their work chairs and get physical while working. While sitting in your chair may seem like the most logical thing to do at your desk, try standing for a while. Due to you not using your lower body muscles it could lead to muscle atrophy. This means the longer and the more you stay seated, the more your lower muscles will begin to weaken. Weight gain is also a...
Should You Wear White After Labor Day?
Bella Breakdown For years we have been told never to wear white after Labor Day without a true explanation on why. Until now. The color white makes sense for summertime outfits, but according to researchers the rule of “No white after Labor Day” began because of the rich. According to the Thrillist, Labor Day marks the end of summer in the United States. Due to this being the last summer holiday, it became an opportunity for those wealthy enough to vacation to mark their return to the heavier, darker, city-oriented fall clothing. “There used to be a much clearer...
Here Are The Most Instagrammable Starbucks Locations, You’re Welcome
Bella Breakdown It’s 2019 and the trend of being a social media influencer continues to rise. So, finding places that are Instagram-approved is very important. If you’re looking to amp up your Instagram program, but the only luxury you can afford is a venti coffee from Starbucks, here are the most beautiful Starbucks that are totally Instagram-worthy. Medellín, Colombia: What makes the Colombian location is great is because they use local coffee bean farmers to keep them well stocked. So not only can customers enjoy the sweet, nutty and chocolaty taste of homegrown coffee beans, but also the murals...
Why Eating Honey Before Bed Is Good For You
Bella Breakdown You probably shouldn’t eat before bed, but if you are, the one thing you should eat is a spoonful of honey. It’s no secret the many benefits of honey, so of course, it is no surprise that there are upsides to eating honey when it comes to your sleep. Honey is rich in antioxidants, contains antibacterial properties, can help cholesterol levels, and is known to help with weight loss. Ignore the sayings about the sugar content in honey because, despite the sweetness, honey helps you burn fat more quickly. Replace the sugar you use in your nighttime...