Careful, You Might Catch Divorce

It’s cold and flu season again. Stock up on soup, orange juice, tea, and plenty of water. Colds & flus are highly contagious. But, did you ever think matters of the heart could be contagious too? According to studies at Harvard, Brown, and UC San Diego divorce is apparently contagious as well. How exactly could that be? Studies show that 70% of couples whose friends get divorced end up getting divorced as well. It doesn’t stop there. If a friend of a friend gets divorced, that couple is 33% more likely to get divorced as well. That is somewhat...

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What To Expect In Couples Therapy

Bella Breakdown You should never be ashamed of the fact that you are in therapy. The same goes for when you and your partner decide it’s time to go to therapy. We are not all equipped to handle the struggles that come with having confrontation with our partners. Some of us may not be able to communicate our thoughts and feelings effectively, or maybe you and your partner have experienced some sort of trauma together that has wrenched your relationship. Whatever the issue is, therapy will give you a lot of tools to help your relationship. Here is what...

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Love On the Brain

Bella Breakdown Love feels like a mystical, magical thing. It’s mysterious, and can feel very elusive. But, it might not be as mystical as we make it out to be. The ability to fall in love can more or less be boiled down to science. Some scientists believe that there is, by which two human beings are able to fall in love with one another. It begins with the process of two people taking 45 minutes to ask one another 36 questions that get more and more intimate as the questions go on. The couples then had to look...

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Do Whirlwind Romances Last?

Most of us are familiar with the intoxicating feeling of a new romance. It feels amazing to be with someone you seem to get along with on every level. You want to spend every waking second with them, you get giddy when you receive a call or message from them, you want to shout from the rooftops about how crazy you are about this new love interest. Nothing about this particular romance is slow, nor is it steady. This my friends is usually what’s known as a “whirlwind romance”. If you haven’t experienced one yourself, you’ve likely seen these...

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Exercising Your Way To A Healthy Relationship

Bella Breakdown Couples therapy? Why not work out that anger with sweat? Exercise can be the best way to get your mind off of the things that are bothering you, but they can also help you build a bond with your significant other. Here are some of the best tips to making your boo your best workout buddy at the same time. Friendly Competition Challenge each other to be better people in all aspects of life, including in the gym. See if you can get your partner to push out that extra ounce of sweat, and never leave your...

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